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Dynamic and customizable toast boxes to to deliver important messages or updates to your users.


Toasts in JTB_MD are dynamic toast popups that provide a non-intrusive way to deliver important messages or updates to users. Whether you want to convey information about successful actions, errors, or other events, our customizable toasts add a sleek and modern touch to your user interface.

With various styles and customization options, JTB_MD's toasts allow you to create visually appealing and user-friendly toasts that enhance the overall user experience.

How to use

Toast elements in JTB_MD are meticulously designed for creation solely through dynamic calls, aligning with their underlying philosophy to display the outcomes of user actions or convey important updates from external sources.

As a result, to create a toast element in your project, you need to trigger the jtbToast plugin with its method called create.

Unlike other plugins in JTB_MD, when creating a toast element, there is no need to associate the plugin with an element. You can directly call it by linking to an empty jQuery identifier: $().jtbToast('create', { parameters }, callbackFunction) where

  • parameters represents the object that holds toast element's details such as content and classes,
  • callbackFunction (optional) stands for the function that you want to call after the creation of your toast element.
                /*----- Creating Toast -----*/
$().jtbToast('create', {
	'html':"Hello! I'm a toast!"

For a more personalized element creation you can refer to table below which shows the possible parameters and their usage:

Category Name Type Default Value Description Example Usage
Identifiers id String "" ID of the toast element. If not specified the system automatically fills it. "myToastID"
classes String "" Classes to be applied to toast element itself. "jtbToast-lg jtbToast-rect"
Content html String "" Content to be displayed in toast element as HTML or plain-text. "This is an example toast1"
position String "TR" The position of toast in screen. "BL"
duration Integer 4 Duration of toast element in seconds. 10
Design css String "" Additional CSS codes to style toast element. "font-size:1rem; color:blue;"
Listeners animSpeed Integer 300 Speed of animations for methods. 1000
onDestroy String "" Function that will be called after 'destroy' method. "myCustomFunc('param1');"


Given that toast elements are essentially blank containers that dynamically position themselves on the screen, you have the flexibility to include any content within the element by specifying it in the html parameter. The content can be either plain text or complex html structures.

                    /*----- Plain text content -----*/
$().jtbToast('create', {
    html:'This one contains plain text.'

/*----- HTML content -----*/
$().jtbToast('create', {
    html:'<span>This one contains <b>html</b> elements.<span>'


To make your toast elements closable ones, you can simply give them .jtbToast-closable class via specifying it in classes parameter.

                    /*----- HTML content -----*/
$().jtbToast('create', {
    html:'This one is closable.',
    classes: 'jtbToast-closable'


To specify your toast element's duration in seconds, you can do it via duration parameter of plugin. Keep in mind that the duration needs to be in seconds and also the default value of duration is 4 seconds. So if you do not specify the duration, the toast will stay on the screen for 4 seconds.

                    /*----- Plain text content -----*/
$().jtbToast('create', {
    html:'This one stays 10 seconds.', 

At this point if you want to make your toast element stay on screen always, you can specify the duration of it as -1 any value that is negative will make the plugin do not create destroy timeout and make the toast element stay on screen always.

                    /*----- Plain text content -----*/
$().jtbToast('create', {
    html:'This will stay on screen until you close it.', 
    duration: -1,
    classes: 'jtbToast-closable'


If you want to create your toast element in a specific part of screen, you can use one of six pre-defined positions of toast elements via adding position attribute to your creation function.

Available options are:

  • TL for top-left
  • TC for top-center
  • TR for top-right (Default)
  • BL for bottom-left
  • BC for bottom-center
  • BR for bottom-right

                    /*----- Example toast (Bottom-right) -----*/
$().jtbToast('create', {
    'html': '...',
    'position': 'BR',


By default the plugin automatically stacks the toast elements in the area. However if the area contains 4 or more toasts at the same time, to make the project space-efficient it collapses the area and hides the elements inside it behind the first toast. So to stack the elements you do not need to do anything, the plugin handles the heavy work in here.

                    /*----- HTML content -----*/
$().jtbToast('create', {


As demonstrated in the creation of toast elements, the method accepts the classes and css parameters, enabling you to define the designs of your toast elements by adding classes or using CSS parameters, respectively. You can easily customize the styling by providing the relevant details in these parameters to achieve the desired appearance. In addition to that, there are multiple design classes defined for toast elements in JTB_MD to make your life easier. If you want to make your elements inline with the library itself, you can simply use them on creation of your toasts.

Never forget that you can leverage all classes from the Utilities section to seamlessly integrate elements with your design. However, the following pre-defined classes within toasts have been crafted to simplify your design workflow.


JTB_MD enables you to utilize the predefined colors outlined in the Colors section for your toast elements. To do so, simply apply the desired color class to your toasts:

.jtbToast-[ purple | blue | aqua | green | lime | yellow | orange | volcano | red ]

                                /*----- Example toast (Green) -----*/
$().jtbToast('create', {
    classes: 'jtbToast-green'


In JTB_MD, you can also resize your toast elements. To make your toast larger or smaller than the default, simply apply the relevant size-class to your element.

.jtbToast-[ xs | sm | md | lg | xl ]

                                /*----- Example toast (size = xs) -----*/
$().jtbToast('create', {
    classes: 'jtbToast-xs'

Removing Borders

To create a borderless toast element, simply apply the .jtbToast-borderless class.

                    /*----- Plain text content -----*/
$().jtbToast('create', {
    html:'This one has no borders.', 
    classes: 'jtbToast-borderless'


To create a rectangular toast (with no border radius), apply the .jtbToast-rect class to your element.

                    /*----- Plain text content -----*/
$().jtbToast('create', {
    html:'This one has no borders.', 
    classes: 'jtbToast-rect'

Javascript Plugin

In JTB_MD, the actions and methods that toasts can perform are defined in the jtbToast plugin. Ensure that you haven't manually removed it from your project to utilize its functionalities properly.

For detailed information on plugins, refer to the JavaScript section.


Besides creation, you can call pre-defined methods of toasts to take an action manually.


To permanently remove the toast element from the DOM, use the jtbToast() function with the "destroy" parameter. Please be aware that after destruction, the element is completely removed from the HTML code and cannot be restored. You can trigger the "destroy" method as: $(toast).jtbToast('destroy', callbackFunction); where:

  • $(toast) represents the toast element that you want to destroy,
  • callbackFunction (optional) stands for the function that you want to call after the visibility fully changed.
                        /*----- Destroying toast -----*/


Throughout the process of creating toasts and using methods via the plugin, you can execute additional functions after the operation by providing additional parameter to the jtbToast() function.

The jtbToast plugin offers three ways to specify a callback function. Since one of them is defining the listeners for element as attributes on their html tags such as onDestroy="console.log('destroyed!');" and you've already saw that we do not go over them again. Here are the two additional methods:

  • Create a function elsewhere and call it inside jtbToast().
                    /*-----  Create toast and callback -----*/
$().jtbToast("create", {...parameters...}, showProcessDone);

/*------ Define showProcessDone in here -------*/
function showProcessDone(){
	alert('Process done boss.');
  • Define the function itself inside jtbToast().
                    /*-----  Create toast and callback -----*/
$().jtbToast("create", {...parameters...}, function(){
	alert('Process done boss.');

The closing actions of toasts in JTB_MD triggers jtbToast plugin's destroy method. So if you define onDestroy attribute to your toast element, it automatically calls defined function when a user closes the element.

                    /*----- Create toast with onDestroy attribute -----*/
$().jtbToast("create", {
    onDestroy: 'showProcessDone();',

Custom Close Buttons

If you prefer not to use the default close button in your toast, you can customize them using the jtbToast plugin methods:

Ensure that an toast with a custom close button does not have the .jtbToast-closable class.

                    /*----- Create toast with onDestroy attribute -----*/
$().jtbToast('create', {
    html:"...<button class='jtbButton' onclick='$(\"#toast-X\").jtbToast('destroy');'>I understand</button>...",

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