Home Icons Docs Blog
v1.0 - Bluethroat
Home Icons Docs Blog v1.0 - Bluethroat
v1.1 - Ashy tit Latestv1.0 - Bluethroat
v1.1 - Ashy tit Latestv1.0 - Bluethroat
Important: A new version of JTB Icons has been released recently. To use more powerful version of the library, please migrate your project into v1.1 - Ashy tit.
Sections AboutGetting startedUsageIntegrationHow to useStylingAnimatingDig deeperUpcoming releasesChange logContributeLicence

The details of the JTB Icons' permissions and requirements.


JTB Icons is an open source, free to use library written by JTBLabs, released under the MIT licence (see LICENCE) and copyright 2024 JTBLabs.


The library itself is free to download and free to use, in whole or in part, for personal, private, company internal, or commercial purposes.

The usage itself includes;

  • Freely modifying its source code.
  • Using it in your projects.
  • Granting a sublicence to modify and distribute to third parties not included in the licence


Even though it is completely free to use, you must keep the license and copyright notice included in CSS and Font files when you use them in your works.


  • You can't hold the authors and license owners liable for damages as JTB Icons is provided without warranty.
  • You can't hold the creators or copyright holders of JTB Icons liable.
  • You can't redistribute any piece of JTB Icons without proper attribution.

JTB Icons.

A powerful icon libary that tries to solve all your icon-related problems on your projects with its different icon types, customized styling classes, icon-focused animations and more features. Also is free, and will be free forever!

Made by JTBLabs with .

Copyright © 2024 JTBLabs - All rights reserved.